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Right or Right Now? How to Hire the Best Employee for Your Business

Right or Right Now? How to Hire the Best Employee for Your Business

While startups and small businesses can get by with a founder, most companies need to hire others to help build their business. Whether you are searching for a developer, a content creator, or someone else who will aid your progress, it is important that you spend time on the hiring process.

Hiring Questions All Companies Ask:

  • How do you hire for a position before you even know what that position is?
  • What do you do when a team member suddenly leaves your company?
  • How do you go about the process of replacing a valuable team member?

Let’s Face Facts.

A business is only as good as its employees. A staff that works well together will far outperform one that does not.

Hiring is one of the most important things you will do as a business owner. Hiring the wrong person could seriously affect your business, relationships with your current employees, productivity of your team and your stress levels.

Steps to Get to Your Next Hire

Consider Temporary Hiring Options

Before you even start looking for a replacement for the job, consider some temporary hiring options. You have multiple options for finding temporary help such as freelancers, contract employees, and temps. This will help you lay the groundwork for your search and give you time to do a thorough search without overburdening your other employees.

Create or Review the Job Description

A job description is an outline of the duties and responsibilities of the employee. Before you even think about interviewing someone, take the time to write down every job requirement for this position. This will save time in the future and make sure that you have all the information needed before even beginning a discussion. It is also a great place to get to know an employee and find out if they are someone who would be a good fit for your business or services.

Build a List of Hiring Resources

You want to be able to quickly tap into good candidates. For job searchers, this means having the benefit of instant access to a pool of trained and experienced candidates. You need to create a list of hiring resources. This will likely include job boards with postings for open positions, recruiters, and LinkedIn groups focusing on certain industries or business models. This step is important not only for screening candidates but also for moving quickly through the hiring process. Once you have conducted some preliminary searches it is time to begin actively looking for candidates using these tools.

Review Resumes with Vital Team Members & Co-Workers

Gather a team of employees who will work with the new hire or have expertise in the qualifications needed to do a good job to review resumes. Form a team with all the staff who need to work with that new hire or have expertise in the qualifications needed to do a good job, to carry out a detailed plan of your recruitment needs. This works to gather buy-in from current employees and give them input into the hiring effort.

Consider Homework Assignments

HR experts recommend that you consider a skills test or personality test for new hires. A skills test can give you an instant idea of which employees might not be 100% suited for your open role. It can be something as easy as asking questions from the company website/blog or as difficult as a formal coding test to evaluate skill levels. You can give potential hires a screening and personality test as a Google or Apple form to gain insights into their thought processes, skills, and personality. This can give you insight into how they will fit into the company culture, do their job, and interact with other employees.

Ask for Reference & Follow Up

A resume is your first stop when looking for qualified candidates. It is the easiest way to tell whether someone will be a good hire or a costly distraction. Before you even ask an applicant about their past work history or current job, review their resume for qualifications and references. Next, review their screening quiz on Google or Apple (if you set it up) to see if they have answered every question asked in the interview. Try getting in touch with one of their previous employers for additional information or to confirm their answers and gain insights.

Request a Hiring Trial

Request a hiring trial of 30 days to 3 months for a paid evaluation of the fit of the person to fill the position. If the prospective hire professes to the qualities you need, then you can offer an on-the-job evaluation and answer any questions while the process is ongoing. A hiring trial puts your best foot forward and allows you to see whether the candidate is an excellent fit for your business or not.

Manage Success Expectations

Once you have found your next hire, it is important to manage expectations and help them reach their goals. Set milestones for each hire which clearly outline their accomplishments. Consider benefits for reaching these milestones, training, and any opportunities for advancement. The best way to do this is have an informal weekly meeting with each hire to discuss their progress, any questions or concerns they may have, and anything else that will help you ensure they achieve their objectives with reasonable ease.

Fill Your Job Position

Hiring is a serious business and it’s important to do all you can to make sure that you are hiring the best person for the job. That means creating a well-written job description that outlines what this person will be doing, some of the skills that are required, and any tools they may need. Part of this preparation includes creating well-developed interview questions that test candidates’ ability to demonstrate what they can do, as well as their knowledge and expertise in areas related to the vacant role.

Don’t forget. Members can always post open jobs on Networking in High Heels job board!

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